Monday, October 04, 2010

Window Display

It's UP!!

During the month of October you can see about 20 paintings of mine downtown Corvallis Oregon in the 24 foot long window of Footwise, a terrific shoe store that has a rotating display of artwork each month. Friday, after weeks of prep, my husband and I managed to put it all together in just 2 hours. Of course I had to return and put up another title card, and take care of a couple of other issues, but everything went together way more smoothly than I expected! I'm hoping to capture some better photographs of the display, but in the meantime, here are three point and shoot images from inside the window:

If you're wondering why everything is hung at about knee or waist height, the window actually sits about 2-3 feet above the sidewalk - something we were told to be aware of while placing the pieces!

Friday was also the jurying day for the Vista and Vineyard annual show at the LaSells Stewart Center on the OSU Campus. I have a painting in that show too if you happen to be in the neighborhood.

I'm hoping to finish up a few more smaller pieces to put in the window display before the month is over. Let me know if you've been by to see either show---comments and critique always welcome!

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