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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Latest painting---still in progress

The local plein air painting group went out to a private garden last week and I decided to work smaller & focus on a single flower. Using a square format, I was somewhat limited I discovered. There were some brilliant blue delphiniums just calling out to me, but they're so long, tall & lanky, they just didn't seem the best choice to squeeze onto the 12x12" canvas I was using that day! Fortunately I found a sweet yellow rose, just right for this shape and went to work on it using pastel on primed white canvas. Here are some shots of the rose & the painting in progress:

This next image shows the first layer of pastel I had on the canvas---after I sprayed it---plein air hazard, it takes too long for this to dry on cool cloudy days.... Wished I had a battery powered blow dryer! (do they make such a thing???)

Here is the painting almost finished---there are a few changes I plan to make still---that lighter green seems distracting above the rose, so it's gotta go, then where the right petal of the rose meets the background leaf, it's a bit too perfect of a line-up, so will alter that too. A bit more lights, darks, pushing the colors a little more, and I think we can finish this up fairly quickly! I'll try to remember to post a photo of the finished painting as soon as I get to that point!

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