Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Fake TtV

Yesterday I did some reading on TtV's---through the viewfinder photo images. "Through the Viewfinder photography is defined as taking a picture of any subject through the viewfinder of any camera with another camera."... as if photography doesn't already have its own complications---let's try taking pics using our camera looking thru another one! Well after exploring this new way of photography I began to desire an old Brownie or other old box camera to attempt this process. What I like is the dust textures, the frame around the image and the slight discoloration that can be created by shooting pics this way. Here are a ton of photos taken with this process if you want to see what I'm talking about: http://www.flickr.com/groups/throughtheviewfinder/

Well, seeing how I don't have a box camera, I did a bit more research & discovered how to reproduce this look thru photoshop! Of course I had to experiment, and this is what I made---first the original photo, taken Sunday north of Tillamook Or.

Then after fiddling with it in photoshop with my new TtV knowledge (which took way more time that I expected...it's how I learn photoshop techniques---lots of trial & error, emphasis on error!) this is what it now looks like!

How cool is this?! Tillamook Bay has never looked more moody! Ok, maybe it has, I just wasn't there to capture it. Now I can create it with a little help from photoshop (or photoshop elements---what I really used this time).

Here's the website I used to learn how to do this: http://poetic-pixels.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=62:fake-ttv-tutorial&catid=57:post-processing

Go---play (or struggle if you do photoshop like I do...)---try this yourself! Then give me a link to your photos in the comment section.


  1. I love the pics mum

  2. Your posted inspired this...


  3. Your non box camera photo turned out excellent! I like you paintings, the limes is lush...
    You got me going to try this box camera technique. I'll keep you posted as to what happens.
    Thank you for showing :)
    Best to you and have a great day!
