Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

We spent part of the day wandering the Rhododendron gardens at Hendrick's Park in Eugene. What was cool about this aside from the amazing display of flowers, was that it was planned by my daughter! What she didn't realize was that EVERYONE in Eugene goes there for Mother's Day!! She's used to being there when it's quiet, peaceful, unpopulated... Luckily, we found parking easily after being redirected at our first attempt at park entrance (they switched some roads to one way only to accommodate the crowd) and it was busy, but not uncomfortably so---made for fun people watching as we wound our way along the masses of rhodies. Here are a few of my fav photos from that garden:

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a perfect Mother's Day...well, aside from the crowds! Lovely pictures.
