Friday, February 09, 2007

Illustration Friday--- "Crash"

As I was setting up this still-life, one of the eggs rolled off the edge of the railing & landed on the front porch. As I prepared to spatula up the mess, I realized I had a better composition than before & decided to use the broken egg before chucking it, resulting in "Egg Plant"...

This is watercolor on clayboard, sprayed with an acrylic uv varnish finish. (available for sale!)


  1. Oh-- lovely!!!
    Excellent choice!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! This is so rich. I think this will be my favorite!

  3. lovely, beautiful watercolor painting:)

  4. Ha! Very clever, just like an artist. I followed you from Val's. Very interesting images captured during your walk. I envy your husband's studio.

  5. great painting! love the realistic style.

  6. I love this piece. Great job.

  7. Absolutely fantastic. I love the light and shadows, and the broken egg makes the whole piece. Love it.

  8. Jana, a broken egg too! But this is absolutely beautiful and mine pales in comparison. Love those subtle but rich colours, gorgeous!

  9. This is awesome & I love how you just went with it. This reminds me of the Scott Adams quote. "Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." You know your art!
