Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Survived the weekend & two days off from school!

It's "Monday!" (yeah, I know, it's actually Wednesday, but feels like Monday since my youngest was out of school the last two days so they could have conferences...).

The funeral was sooooo sad, I've never seen so many grown men was positively painful! They had an open mike so people could come share their memories, and holy cow, so many people had to talk, cry, reminisce. It's so hard to maintain any semblance of composure when that much anguish is displayed! Especially tricky when your 17 yr. old daughter is sitting next to you totally dry eyed...Oh to be young and less sentimental! I just felt so bad for his wife and grown kids---such a sudden death---he was so young, seemingly fit, worked in the woods... *sigh. Sad day, but it was nice to see family we haven't for years. We took back-roads all the way home, and saw beautiful clouds, sunshine, storms---even drove thru a blizzard! Snow in April is so rare around here!

Finished my painting yesterday---working on textured claybord is a whole new process for me---like that the claybord is all set to hang once the piece is finished, varnished with a wire attached to the back! I'm thinking I'll stain the frame part tho, to match the colors of the painting better. Here's a link to see what the claybord looks like:

If I get a chance I'll post an image of the finished painting. Was a bit nervous about spraying a sealer on top of watercolor, but it seemed to go well. Was also unsure of using a gloss spray, but since it was what I had I just went for it!

I'll finish the frame and photograph it, then post the painting---time to go to work!

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