Ok, so we knew he was going to be in Oregon Friday, speaking in Portland, Salem and Eugene. Since I was picking up my daughter in Eugene that day, I debated about staying to see him later that night, but figured Eliza would want to come home for her spring break and not stay late into the night. We arrived home mid-afternoon and while a friend of hers was visiting, she received a call on her cell phone from her sister telling her this fella was in our town! Downtown visiting the best pizza place in the state! We jumped into our car & zipped down there, not sure if it this was just a rumor or truth! A crowd had gathered outside the restaurant, so we joined in & spying the giant busses blocking the road with the police escorts we began to believe this fella was really inside! Sure enough, after a while, he wandered out, shaking hands, and waving. I was taking pics as fast as I could, craning to see through the crowd, hoping to get a glimpse---
The first photo shows his bus parked downtown in front of the best gallery in our fair city.

and just before boarding the bus, I had a clear view!!!

Such excitement!