Ok, so we need to use duct tape to hold on our passenger side mirror, but really, do we need the spray painted graffiti?! Isn't the duct tape enough?
The other night, after a study group over at a friend's house, Eliza returned home to discover our car had been spray painted by some local hoodlum! She'd parked across the street from this house, so when she got into the car from the driver's side she had no clue she was parading thru town with a tagged car! It wasn't until she turned around after coming inside our house to turn off the driveway light she noticed the word WONKA plastered across the side!! She was stunned---stood there for a minute blinking, to make sure what she was seeing was reality before calling out to us to come see too! We could not believe it either! Especially since where she'd been is considered a "nice part of town", away from the college---not like our neighborhood, blocks from the college where something like this would be much less of a surprise. My first thought was at least it's not a foul word---but then I wanted to know what Wonka meant---or possibly was there a car that was parked behind hers that is now sporting Willy? A quick google search turned up nothing nasty (a music connection site, of course lots of Willy Wonka sites and even a link to an apple computer insider story on a new building being developed in Australia!)
Brad's theory is that it's someone's tag-name---and to support that theory Eliza saw an electrical box with the same thing written upon it a couple of days after. Luckily for us, Brad has an arsenal of paint removers he was able to pull out the next morning, easily removing the word without damaging the cars finish. There are still bits of paint puffs that show on the black rubber areas between the body of the car and the attached rubber, but unless you know to look, it's not noticeable at all.
So, what's new with you?!